
Did you shoot the wedding in A?  It sounds like something was set
differently.  Was the analog display visible and showing - (underexpsure)? 
It sounds like that perhaps the 1/125 sync was too high for the lens' max
aperture.  I assume you were shooting wide open?  How did you set the
shutter to 1/125 and still shoot in Aperture priority?  Sorry to answer
your question with so many other questions, but it is hard to diagnose
remotely like this :-(  Hopefully your answers will solve the problem for

Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 09:39:20 -0200
From: "Isaac Boy de Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: N70 Fill Flash [v04.n160/24]
Message: 24

Hello Steve and Nikon fellows,

I donīt know how to explain what happened to you, but I would like to share
a similar (?) experience.

After going through 5 rolls of film, in different circumstances at a
ceremony - people in black and white dresses - I thought I could rely
entirely on my F70 + SB27 + D lens combo.

So I was assigned to photograph 5 doctors in a hospital. They were all
wearing white. I set the camera on Aperture Priority and the film was Fuji
400 print also. For better sharpness I used 1/125 sync. I shot with
different apertures, but the exposure was always 3D auto. Result: 8
underexposed pictures and the need for a new photo session (everything on
manual this time).



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