I have used the 70-300 ED (D) for a while now.  A short while after I
bought it, I conducted a quick test using Elite 100 chrome and examining
with a loupe.
I compared it with my 105 micro.

Overall, it was soft at 70 mm and 300 mm at the 2 widest apertures.  I now
stop down two stops at those focal lengths.  For all other focal lengths it
is slightly soft at the widest aperture but stopping down one stop gives a
very sharp result.   Outside of those exceptions, it provides images that
compare very favourably with my 105 micro.

I bought this lens mainly for the 200-300 range, because it is light (I
wanted it for backpacking), and is inexpensive.  Overall I am very happy
with it.  

I hope this is of help.

Regards to all
Phil Greenwood

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