Alex wrote:

>In digest 161 I have just counted 10 of the 24 messages which simply say:
>'Re: nikon-digest V4 #160'
>:or similar.
>Please, folks, take a moment when you hit the reply button to change the 
>heading so it reflects the subject of your post.

I wholeheartedly agree!!

I was just about to send my own, similar message when I saw what Alex had

I recently suggested to Andrew Donkin (list Administrator) the latest
format for the volume/issue/message number (i.e. [v04.n163/25] ) so we
could have ready reference to the previous postings on a particular
subject. This has eliminated confusion over what issue the response came
from and has worked well in the instances where the respondant has
CUT_AND_PASTed THE ENTIRE SUBJECT LINE into his response posting. That's
the way it's supposed to work, folks. That way we all know where to look in
our archives to read the previous messages on the subject at hand. Andrew's
innovative software techniques automatically append the
volume/issue/message number to the post for the current issue. I thank him
for his efforts. Please use them as he intended.

When you only use 'Re: nikon-digest V4 #160' as your subject line, you're
saying that you're responding to THE ENTIRE DIGEST. That's what "Re:"
means: "Regarding".

Please past in the entire previous subject line so we all know what PART of
the cited Digest you're responding to.

Stepping down from the soap  box and wishing best regards to all,

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