Dear Ashok,

above all I would like to congratulate you on buying a F2 AS model for
little money! $300 is a very fair price for a F2 AS in good condition. To
answer your questions:

1.    I own a F2 S which has the prism DP-2. The AS model has the prism
DP-12 which is more up-to-date against the DP-2. My camera hasnīt that small
slide switch but I assume itīs a battery check indeed.

2.    Sorry, I simply donīt know it. I never wanted to take any multi

3.+ 4.    The lever you have described is needed to remove the prism. You
just have to press the little button on the back of the camera you have
mentioned in question 3. Then push the lever on the right side of the prism
against the finder housing and then move it downwards whilst pressing the
other button et voilā! - You hold the finder in your hands.

5.    You can meter the light up to shutter speeds of 8 seconds. To do this,
you first have to set the shutter speed dial to "B". Then press the little
button in the center of the dial. You can now move the dial further to the
left and you are able to choose those settings which are marked with little
red numbers something above and left of the normal white speed markings.By
turning the dial within the sector of the red marked long shutter speeds you
can meter the light exactly the same way as if using "normal" shutter
speeds. To set the determined longer exposure times than 1 sec. to the
camera, you have to lift up the collar of the shutter release button and set
it to the "T" position ("T" means "Time", I assume). You now are able to
choose shutter speeds up to 10 seconds by using the self-timer! Yes, thats
true! I hardly couldnīt believe that when I read about it the first time. A
brilliant idea of the Nikon engineers of those days, isnīt it?!?
Unfortunately that doesnīt work with a motor drive MD-2 attached because it
blocks the self-timerīs lever.

Ashok, I will work out how to make multiple exposures. I am interested in
this stuff myself because I am a F2 user who wants to control his camera in
every respect. I will contact you again when I find out how to manage it.

Please visit "Michael C Liu's Nikon & Nikkors Resources" on the internet to
get more F2 related info soon. The author will publish the complete manual
soon. He has done that with the F manual a few months ago. These sites are
great Nikon stuff! Navigate to:

Best regards and have much fun with your F2, itīs a great tool. I use it
besides my F90x and my two FM2n and I donīt want to miss it. Itīs a feeling
of itīs own to work with this professional camera.

Kay-Christian Heine
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

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