
It sounds like you've got a handle on what you'll need for the shoot.
I would recommend using a flash bracket for more flattering shadow
angles as well as red-eye elimination. I use the Stroboframe Press-T.
Also I use the Sto-fen Omnibounce pointed directly at my subjects
indoors and outdoors. 

I like the results I get when using flash compensation dialed in at
-0.7. This is of course in addition to the Sto-fen's stop reduction. 

I would recommend getting a shot of the bride backlit by a window with
flash compensation dialed in at +1.0 as it makes her glow most
beautifully. You might bracket that shot to +1.3 and +1.5 as well but
+1.0 works wonderfully for me.

The 28-70mm is perfect and a few with the 100mm should work nicely.

The NPH 400 is a perfect choice and you might try the NPS 160 for
outdoors shots as well.

Good luck and most of all make sure you all have fun. It shows in the

Clifton Painter
Morning Light Photography

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