The photographs came back. I have shot with Fuji Superia 200 and 400, 
and the Kodak GPX 160 Pro. As stated before most of my shots in the snow 
were taken with a +1EV compensation. Some were taken without any 
compensation. The Fuji film was more forgiving (understand up to 2 
EV)and the photos turned out with a slight over exposure. The Kodak 160 
was dead accurate it showed a clear over exposure. I gave instructions 
for the lab to adjust the color tone where necessary. I guess the lab 
also compensated for the over-exposure on the Fuji. But the Kodak 160 
Pro film was very sensitive and the +1EV was evident. The lab could not 
do much to compensate. My subjects are mostly in the center of the 
picture and forms about 30% to 70% of the picture. The rest being snow. 
In short the F5 RGB metering was accurate in all my pictures. Where 
there was a +1EV compensation it allowed it. Where there was no 
compensation the picture were bright and clear. I am more confident of 
the F5's RGB meter, I can trust it for all my shots even in the snow. I 
remember reading in Moose's F5 site that he trust the F5 RGB meter 
There was some discussion about the F5 strap. The F5 looks good on its 
own, most straps will look great with the F5. But it is a heavy camera 
especially with some of the heavier lenses. It is more practical to get 
a neoprene or similar type padded strap like the Optech Pro Loop. It 
will distribute the weight over a larger area and the elasticity of the 
strap will reduce the loads induced by motion. Over all less fatigue on 
the neck or shoulders. It also look great with the F5. The wine color 
strap which came with the F5 is pretty but not as comfortable. My 2 
Happy holidays!


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