I wish you all a very happy 1999.

I understand that it is possible to manually adjust the flash out put level
(of the N70's built-in flash) by the use of flash output level compensation.
As per the N70 manual one can adjust the flash light output level from -3EV
to +1 EV in 1/3 EV steps. As an example let us say I have chosen -1EV as
flash compensation and no general exposure compensation. My doubt is as

Is this -1EV compensation ADDED to the compensation that the camera
automatically calculates to give balanced fill flash  


Does the -1EV compensation mean the flash output level will be 1 EV below
the ambient light (by this I meant that the camera DOES NOT do any flash
compensation on its own, once flash compensation is set manually.)

I will be thankful if someone can clarify. I did some tests but these were

Thanks and regards

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