Dave Bernard wrote:
>>>>This makes the
     effective out-of-pocket for the F5 with USA warranty is $1700.  No
kidding, and I asked about 3 or 4 times to make
     sure there was no understanding.  I believe this makes the US price
less than the grey market.>

Henry Posner replied:
NO NO NO ! ! !
>>While I intend not to post prices in public, I feel obliged to correct
misunderstanding ASAP... The price is 2100.00, and after the 200.00
so-called "Instant Rebate" is
net to the consumer 1900.00 + s&h

Mr. Posner,

Thanks for your reply, but at t this point I still don't know where, or if,
  there is a misunderstanding.  As explained
before, upon submitting my order (32669360) the sales clerk ("BR") assured
me repeatedly that there was
an additional $200 rebate upon the $1900 (USA warranty) price, and that my
effective out of pocket
would therefore be $1700, and he would include the rebate form.  Relying
upon what I had
repeatedly been assured, I made the purchase.

The camera arrived, with a statement that $1900 had been charged to my
credit card.   This is
what I had expected, but not included was the form for the addtional $200
rebate, which I had
also expected.  I immediately phoned B&H customer service, who apologized
and said they
would get the form out right away.

Since I've been ordering from NY dealers for about 25 years, and B&H for
over a dozen, I'm
pretty clear and precise on the terms, prices, availability, model,
warranty, of the items I order.
There was no mistake or misunderstanding on my part.

At this point I have no choice but to continue to wait a few more days for
the rebate form for
the F5 which B&H has twice now promised to send.  Mr. Posner, if you have
definite contrary
information, I would very surely like to hear it and understand it, and any
 suggestions for a resolution.


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