The issue in my comments on B&H seem to get misread and misinterpreted.

B&H has a policy - albeit - not widely advertised  - of being competitive,
just as do Staples, Office Depot, Good Guys, and Circuit City.

The difference is not just $10 as one of you would errantly deduce - it is
more like $31 - enough to cover shipping.

The difference is not that I don't like dealing with B&H 
That the B&H salesman would make unsubstantiated, vague negative references
to dealing with a competitor - TriState.

In this open forum I sought to accomplish several things:
        Find out if anyone has had problems with TriState
        Inform Mr. Posner of a potential problems at B&H
        Inform the membership that B&H has its problems as well.

A number of you seem to take umbrage at this. 

Others took a more constructive position and pointed out other sources
beside TriState who were equally as competitive.
To these people - Thanks 

There was no insult intended - I made that clear.


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