I have just shoot  my first film with flash pictures with my F5 & SB 26.
As it was indoor, shooting potrait pictures to my family, with tugsten
light, I thougt that instead of shooting in P mode, I rather would fire in S
mode at 1/250 speed, so the pictures wouldn't have any kind of "yellow"
color from the tugstens.
So I did it. I got great pictures, but I thing they are a slighly
over-exposed, I mean, they are Ok, but the people skin, although sharp, are
whiter than normal (I think).
I think it could be because I set speed to 1/250, so my F5 set the aperture
to maximun for each focal lenght I used (I used 24-120 f:3.5-5.6 at
diffferent focal lenghts),and sometimes the face of the people was closer
than the lower flash distance at that aperture (e.g.: with and ISO 100,
shooting at 50mm focal whit f5 aperture, lower distance covered by the Sb 26
is 1 meter and faces of people were closer than a meter).
So now come the question:
Before trying some more things, I thing is a good idea setting Speed to
1/250 because I dont get any kind of yellow color from light bulbs, but as I
dont want a wide aperture because of the distance, and I dont want to set
aperture, so speed is set to 1/60. What about set to manual mode 1/250 and
f8 or f11 depending on the distance, so I could get sharper pictures. Would
F5 work properly in such a situation?
(The question is related only for indoor tugsten light using flash)
Thanks in advance

Javier López

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