Hi Nikoners,

I have these experiences:

1. I have some pictures taken with an FE body and AF-D 80-200/f2.8 lens 
   and Series E 75-150/f3.5 lens that are hazy because of the strong
   flare hit the film. I didn't see the flare when I saw through
   the view finder while I shot those pictures. But, they appear in the
   films and ruin the pictures. Is this normal? I mean, we cannot
   actually see the flare until it appears in the film?

2. I have a picture taken with FE body and AF 28-85/3.5-4.5 lens. It
   should be a flower with a dark blue sky as the backgoud. But, it
   didn't happen like what I imagine. The picture come with a light
   blue sky and it is uninterresting anymore.

   I did'nt use a polarizer that time but I'm sure that I saw that
   dark blue sky through the finder. Where that dark color goes?

I almost come to this conclusion: Since what I see through the finder
is actually a reflection of the image that come from the lens and
should directly strike the film. And that reflection is actually
a few times reflections, to the mirror and through the prism.
So, the flare is unseenable? a light direction is changed or even
some light removed due to the polarizing effect of that reflections?

Am I right conclude that way?

Is this also happen with other bodies?

David A. Winarso 

"The main difference between F5 and FM2 is the way their lenses focused.
 F5 uses motor that eat batteries. FM2 needs my finger; and I eat rice."

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