
I've been receiving the digest for a bit, but I haven't seen much regarding
older equipment, so I thought I'd see if I can kick start a thread.

In an undeniable fit of middle age nostalgia, I'm rebuilding the Nikkormat
kit of my youth -- not to sit on the shelf, but to *use*!  I've been using
Leica M gear for nearly 20 years now, and I find that, yes, an SLR has its
place: zooms, close ups and anything longer than 90mm.  I AM NOT TRYING TO

What I am curious about is how I can determine age of my camera, and of the
older, non-AI Nikkor lenses.  I recently purchased a Nikkormat FS
(meterless) with a 50mm F2 and a 43~86 zoom.  I'd like to pick up a 105mm
f/2.5 Nikkor of similar vintage.  Just to round out my "profile" I shoot
mainly B&W that I develop/print in the hall bath and I meter with a Zone
VI-modified Soligar meter; in other words, an old fogey!

Is there a standard reference work (or web page!) that gives information on
serial numbers, variations in design, etc, for Nikon SLR cameras and lenses
over the years?

Best Regards,

Steve Alred

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