Riccardo Correani wrote:

> A well regarded italian magazine published a special issue
> detailing MTF tests of many Nikon lenses. These tests cover many 
> technical aspects of a lens performance.

> Sharpness is plotted on a graph having the sharpness factor on the
> Y axis (centre of frame, edge and average) in a 1-10 scale 
> where 10 is  maximum, against f-stops on the X axis.

Just a word of warning - MTF describe the contrast of black and 
white bars with a sinusoidal intensity profile incoherently imaged by 
a lens. Magazines usually  publish information from lens MTF tests 
which is insufficient to be useful, for example spot values which are 
given names like "sharpness" or "resolution".

To be of any use it is essential that these terms are defined in the 
context of the test (not in their generic meaning). Even then, to be 
quite honest, their is little use in giving spot values. Giving spot 
values is a bit like giving spot amplitude (i.e. no phase information) 
frequency response and cut off values for Hi-Fi amplifiers/speakers.

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