>At christmas I decided to spoil myself and buy an F90x, MB-10 etc., after
>having had Olympus kit (OM-10, OM-2n)  for 15 years. I don't regret this at
>all (although I'll have a tear in my eye when I sell the OM-2) and have
>fallen in love with the F90x.

>The thing that I liked about the F90 was how easy it was to get used to,
>despite it's myriad of features, although I have to say I have mainly used
>it on good old aperture priority so far.

I personally only use mine in aperature AE or manual.  I have been using
cameras that way for 20 years and it worked and still works well for me.
I haven't found any good reason to do otherwise.

>One of the first things that hit
>me after the OM was how quiet the shutter was and the lack of vibration
>(although I do like the "clunk" of the OM-2 shutter !).

The N90s's shutter is one of the things I found striking about it too.
I have used: Minolta XD-11, Yashica FX-1, Pentax ME Super, Pentax MX,
Leica M2, Mamiya 645, Canon AE-1, Nikkormat FTn.  The N90s has the most
pleasing and sounds like the precision instrument that it is.  The XD-11's
sounds pretty good too.  I don't remember how the M2 sounds.  The others
do not sound smooth.  It is as if they were not made well but they work just fine.

David Johnson

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