
      I wanted to thank all of the folks who replied to my question
about purchasing my next body. I have received a great deal of advice,
all of it very well supported by knowledge of the Nikon system. But,
that knowledge has also required that I redefine my own needs. I now
know that my question was actually covering two separate questions. My
questions should have been; what body to choose for a system upgrade,
and do I need to upgrade for a second body? Fortunately, the folks who
replied to my question have provided answers to both.
        The answer to the first is simple. You give the N90s has almost
universal acclaim, and will be my choice for next body upgrade. The N90s
has many improved features, and this side of the F5 or the new F100,
would be the perfect upgrade path.
        But, from what I have heard, I also had to consider if an upgrade would
provide any advantage for my personal uses. There are so many
improvements in the N90/N90s, but few of these would affect my
applications. I can't find any specific feature that would be "mission
critical" for my photography. This has made me see considerable merit to
the idea of finding a factory new N6006, and using my older body as my
second. With new N6006 bodies available for less than $350, I might be
able to provide the spare I need, with a design that would meet my needs
for a very long time. The only minus is the battery consumption problem
that is inherent in the N6006, and finding a dealer that still stocks
that body. 
        If I cannot find a new N6006, I will bite the bullet, and buy the N90s.
I would probably be better off doing that now, but I get to make a
mistake every now and then, and having a mint N6006 would not be too
        Again, I appreciate all of the feedback you have provided.
        Thank you very much.

                        Bill Hilburn

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