> I admit I've only seen the N70's LCD display in the literature, but it looks
> confusing as heck! What do actual users of the N70 think?

        It is confusing until you understand how the "Function" and "Set"
buttons on the left side of the camera work with the "Control Dial" and
the "LCD" on the right side of the camera.  Once you get beyond the
initial "LCD" shock it's really a very simple and intuitive camera to
operate.  The "LCD" shows you at a glance all the settings you are
currently using.  What has really simplified the camera for me is the
ability to program 3 combinations of settings that can be recalled. 
This feature is what the "In" and "Out" buttons on the left side of the
camera are for.  
        Bottom line, sit down and read the manual or the "Magic Lantern Guide"
and take it one step at a time and the camera becomes quite simple to
        My complaints about the camera: 1. I wish it had a button to activate
"Spot Metering" (at least it's got it, but it's a three step thing to
get to). 2. A built in infrared autofucusing aid ala the Canon Elan II
would help it's autofocus performance which is very good, but the light
would make it seem even better.  3. Canon has built into the Elan II
body a receiver for an inexpensive remote which is quite ideal for those
"family shots" that come up a holidays.  Sure, the self timer works, but
it's really great to stroll back to the group and be able to push a
button instead of race back.  The key word here is "inexpensive".       Hmmm,
not many complaints, so far for me the camera has given better results
than any other I've had and while I'm new to Nikon, I've been an avvid
photographer for about 30 years now.

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