I have read in Moose Petersons book, that the MF 180/2.8 (first built in 1970 in 
c-type and AI-version) had a ED lens element, but Nikon did not publish that. 
Officially the ED glas was introduced 1980 with the MF180/2.8 ED (in AIS-
version). I am thinking of buying this lens second hand and I woud like to know:

-Has anybody compared the non-ED and ED version? Is there a significant 
-How many elements made of ED-glas does the MF180/2.8 have?
-How do you like the lens?
-It would be my first fast Tele-lens and I would like to use it with converters 
(TC200 and TC14a) - how does that work? Any suggestions?
Thanx Thomas

P.S.: A little TRICK for fast lens change:
Did you ever feel you have need one hand more for a lens change?
-Get two of your rear-lens-caps (not-original-Nikon ones are the best). Sand 
them a little bit that they get an even surface and glue them together. 
-> Now you can put the double rear lens cap on your second lens. To change 
the lenses just release the lens from the body - hook it into the double lens 
cap, now the two lenses are connnected. Release the second lens and put it 
on the body. 

This is really much easier. :-)))

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