Dear Stephen and Nikon fellows,

RStephen Winter wrote:
I´m looking at buying speedlight, but I'm not sure which one would be
best...  The SB-28 would be ideal, but the cost is quite high.  The SB-23
was my next choice, cost is good, but will it do more than the built in one?
($150.00 more?)  Does is take advantage od my "D" lenses?  In reading the
brocedures, the SB-28 mentions the "D" specifically, while the SB-23
doesn't.   Additionally, where does the SB-22s fit into the picture, the
Nikon website has some info, but it seem a little vague.  Is there anywhere
I can go to get a detailed comparison of these three?  Is there another

I´m a happy owner of an SB-27. I think you should study it as an option. It
has almost the same specs of SB-28, benefiting from all recent Nikon flash
technologies. The main differences are:
- a bit less powerful, but recycles faster (and much more powerful than
- it doesn´t have ultra-fast sinc, what is not a problem in most cases, and
is a feature that you won´t find in the other models you listed.
- it won´t freely tilt and rotate, but has a built in bounce reflector that
can be used even for macrophotography, and, if you use it in a bracket, you
may have some other options to adjust it. Its rotating head is easily
adjusted for vertical framing.
I think this flash has a very good cost/benefit balance when the 3 items
listed above are not critical as it seems to be in your applications.


Isaac Boy
Belo Horizonte, Brazil

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