Hi Anselm,

I went to the South-West of the USA about three years ago with the
following equipment:

Soligor 20mm (borrowed for the occasion), Nikon 35-70 f3.3-4.5 and Sigma
APO 70-210 f4-5.6.

I used mainly the 35-70 zoom and occasionally the 20mm. Rarely the
telezoom. The ultra-wide proved to be useful but not very good
unfortunately. Should I return, I would use an ultra-wide more often.
There were times a wider lens (17 or even 14mm) would have been more
useful too. I do not recommend a fisheye. Have a look at the new Sigma
14mm EX rectilinear. It is relatively affordable and seems to perform
really very well, following magazine tests I recently read. In fact, it
seems to be virtually on par with the Nikkor 15mm MF, optically
speaking. The latter is way out of most budgets...

I now have a totally different set of lenses: 24mm, 35mm, 50mm, 85mm and
180mm, all AF Nikkor primes. If I had to go back, I would take them all
and possibly add a wider one (Tokina 17mm, Sigma 14mm ?).

In your case, I would consider either an ultra-wide and a wide (28 or
35), either an ultra-wide and zoom (28-something, the new 28-105?). You
may also consider that 20mm is wide enough and only fill the gap between
20 and 50.

BTW, the places I liked the best were: Canyonlands, Zion and the Lake
Powell. Try to arrange a visit to one of the slot canyons near the lake.
When we were there, we realised one day was needed for such a visit (you
have often several hours of drive from one place to another, roads are
rarely direct) and we had not arranged our travel in consequence, too
bad :-(

For what the shops concerns, I bought a lens from Capital Sound & Vision
one month ago (my 85mm). I was in England so I went directly to the shop
in Crawley. Prices are very interesting indeed. Just be aware that they
sell grey import stuff that will not be covered by Nikon's worldwide
warranty. You will have to rely on their own warranty.

Hope this helps,


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