I recall reading about 1/2 a year ago, that a company had in the works, 
a digital film that would fit inside of a standard 35mm camera.  The 
purpose of this was to allow one to take pics and download them to a PC, 
while still living in the 35mm world.  Obviously, if I'm about to invest 
in my second SLR, and my first Nikon at that, I don't want to see the 
world go digital, chuck their 35mm cameras away, and be left with 
something of the past.  

As I see it, the digital film may very well be the bridge that keeps 
that gap from forming, or expanding, and IMHO will play an increasingly 
important role several years down the road (though not now).  

Does anyone know if this product is out, let alone how it is?  


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