To whom it may concern,

Chasseur  d'Images just reviewed the flash mounting bracket for the Coolpix
900s  /  910  (whatever  it's  called).  They  were  not  impressed  by the
ergonomics  of  the  bracket and suggested instead that those interested in
using  SB-x's  with  their Coolpix should consider the SU-4 remote mounting
bracket - triggered by the built in flash, not much more (?) expensive than
the bracket and (obviously) allowing off-camera flash.

In  the same issue their is an article about the Kodak DCSxxx (I forget the
number) = Pronea 6i + Kodak CCD. Conclusion, the images of the Coolscan are
better,  except  in  those  situations where the "flexibility" of an SLR is
needed  (flash, lenses, compensation etc.). They say it is all the fault of
the Kodak CCD, not our glorious Nikon stuff.

Best regards

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