Neuman-RUETHER web page has moved...!

  Due to the generousity of Nicholas S. Rubenstein, 
  my web page has a new home, at:   (no "www"...)
  Virtually all Nikkor -->optical types<-- (not barrel     
  types...) are listed on my web page, under "I babble", 
  and many are evaluated. Don't forget to read the 
  general comments at the beginning - there are 
  details there (especially about what the ratings
  are based on...) that you may find useful. Have fun 
  with it, but don't become preoccupied with it...! ;-) 
  There are lens reviews, articles on seeing and 
  perspective, a glasses solution for those with 
  eye-focus problems, and several other items, also.
  An', stik aroun' fer th' purdy pit-churz, tu! ;-) 
  There are "aht" photos, bug pictures, 3-D photos, 
  waterfalls, sun-photos, video frame-grabs - lotsa 
  images (and even some MIDI-horrors....! ;-)

David Ruether 

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