Henrik Åkesson  Wrote:

I really need an answer on this one...
Is the Tokina 20-35/2.8 any good?
How does it compare to the Nikon prime 20/2.8 at the 20mm end, I know 
that a prime is a prime but a general direction...

Bottom line - is the lens worth the price
I have written about this lens before.  Perhaps you could search the
archives for my report.  It is also available on photo.net.

Bottom line...No it is not as good as a prime.  Yes it is worth the
price.  It is a reasonable contender to the Nikkor 20-35, with slightly
worse performance wide open.  Mechanical qualities are very good.
Optically, it is excellent by f5.6.  Its worse performance is at the
long end, wide open, where enlargements bigger than 5x7 will reveal the
lens' limitation.  Distortion is OK at about 1% at the extremes.  If the
sun is in the image, it will flare rather noticeably.

I like mine and plan to keep it for the long haul.

Dan Brown
Fort Worth, Texas

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