>  I think we all have stories here.  

        Ah, war stories . . . .

        OK, Here's my best one:

        I left an FM with an MD-11 and a 500mm/f8 
        (fairly heavy) on a poolside table covered 
        with a towel (to keep it cooler).  Somebody 
        got out of the pool and grabbed the towel 
        to dry off -- CLUNK! - the camera goes face
        first into the concrete deck.

        I expected the lens helix to be jammed or 
        something, but it didn't even dent the lens
        hood, just marred the finish a bit.

        There was a fine coating of concrete dust on 
        the leading edge of the hood, and a circular 
        (lens hood sized) mark about 1/32 inch deep 
        in the concrete where the lens hit.

        I was impressed.

        The camera kept working for another 10 years
        after that -- the lens and motor are still 
        going strong today.

        I don't know if they ever fixed the concrete.


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