Spring Photo Contest

Dust off the photo file. Or, better yet, head into the field.
WildLightıs Premiere Photography Contest will be unveiled in April.
Tentative categories include: spring landscape, in close, spring in
the country, and open.

WildLight is gathering prizes from our sponsors now. The prize list is
sure to be a winner, too. Photos can be submitted by mail or
electronically. There will be a discounted entry fee for those images
submitted electronically. Since judging will be on-screen, it is to
your advantage to work with the photos on-screen rather than let us do
your scanning. You have some lead time to work out how you can
accomplish that.

Premium Photography Interaction Service

Several expert hosts have come forward to initiate our new Premium
Service option for WildLight readers. This section, which carries a
very small access fee, may feature interactive chat and message
boards, detail articles, interviews and insight from company
technicians, etc. 

Several topics will be available. You can subscribe to one, some, or
all. Keep watching WildLight for details on this and other outdoor
photography features.

New Products

The New Products section will be stuffed with information about new
products seen at the PMA show and provided to us by the companies.
Watch for additions to this popular section of WildLight.

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