Good to see that the F70 debate that I started is finally taking a
rest. I only meant to highlight my discontent with it's user interface
so that other unsuspecting buyers would not make the mistake of buying
something which requires them to make dratic changes in how they use a
camera and inadvertantly cause missed opportunities. If it suits the
way you work then fine and good for you.

The response from the topic has so far ranged from being reliegious to
ironic. And speaking of irony, I recall one bloke commenting that the
F70 interface, like Microsoft Windows he says, is a good thing once
you get the hang of it and makes every other camera seem like using

To him I say rubbish! but if you insist, most modern cameras with LCDs
are like using Windows except with the F70, you unplug the mouse and
use the arrow keys, tab key and spacebar to navigate the interface.
And yes, you even have 3 function keys to program in your favourite

With the F601, F801 and F90x, you not only have a mouse but
touch-screen technology which allows you to set whatever you need with
less fussing around. How bout that!

As for the yet to be released F80, speculators have it that it's
focusing system will be multiple point like the the Canon Elan II and
based on the F90x CAM246 in the centre and two AM200 sensors in a row
like so:  

[  ]   [  ]   [  ]

A slider on the camera back controls which point you want active using
you thumb.



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