Hi all, I'd like to use this forum to gauge the interest out there for an N90 Buddy 
type program for the F100 and Palm computing devices (PalmPilot, Palm III, IIIx, V).  
I am CONSIDERING taking on this task as I am about to purchase an F100 and already 
have a Palm and associated programming tools.  

The program I'm planning would be released in several versions.  The first version 
would focus on just capturing the stored shooting information, while the followup 
version would have more functions that would assume direct control of the camera (i.e. 
remote release, intervalometer, etc). 

First of all, I would appreciate it if anyone seriously interested in purchasing such 
a program would email me with their degree of interest and the amount they would 
reasonably pay for such a program.  My initial thought is to charge approximately 
$50-75, which would include free updates for life.  I know this costs a bit more than 
your average Palm program, but this venture requires a lot of work for a VERY limited 
market size.  If buying a useful piece of software for your camera costs less than a 
decent filter or a couple of lens hoods, I think  that's pretty reasonable, but I'd 
like to hear what people think.  Please also let me know what features you think are 
mandatory and which would be nice, but not essential.  I'll get back to the list with 
the responses and any further developments.  Thanks.

Barry Schmetter   

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