> I received an offer for an old F2 + Nikkor-s 
        >  50mm f1.4, in very used condition, but supposedly 
        >  working, all for around $400.  Would this be a 
        >  good deal? Is it a convenient price?

        The price of an F2 varies greatly depending on 
        what kind of finder is attached (a mint finder 
        for an F2AS sells for as much as a good F2 Photomic),
        but since the lens is a 'Nikkor-S' and you say the 
        camera's old, I'm going to guess that it's an 
        F2-Photomic (with the DP-1 finder).  

        If that's the case, $400 is a typical price if the 
        camera and lens are in decent condition -- (i.e. a 
        little worn around the edges, but no dents or gouges) 

        >  I am N50 user, but planning to trade it for 
        >  an N90s as soon as possible (or best, BTW , 
        >  N80 with DOF preview).  Would the manual 50
        >  1.4 be useful  in the future?

        Not unless the lens has been converted to AI -- 
        which isn't likely since it's on an old camera.  
        The old 50mm/f1.4 is an OK lens, but it's nothing 
        special.  I don't think they're worth the expense
        of converting to AI.  The AF 50mm/f1.8 is good 
        enough and inexpensive enough that it would be 
        a better deal to just get one of those when you 
        upgrade to AF.

        >  If I decide to buy, is there something specific 
        >  I should try before paying for it?  I have hear the 
        >  aged F2 have a typical problem,  but don't know what
        > is it.

        I'm not aware of a typical problem that's specific to 
        the F2.   On the F, you sometimes find that the slow 
        shutter speeds are way off due to disuse.  I've seen
        them where you'd get a 1 second exposure with the 
        dial set to 1/30.  I've never seen that on an F2, but 
        I suppose it's a possibility.

        >  Do you consider this is a one-time chance, or normal 
        > price?

        If it's an F2 Photomic, it's a normal price.  If it's 
        an F2AS, it's broken.


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