I have just had a chance to use the TC-301 with my F-5 and AF 300/4 lens and
have a question about exposure compensation.  The literature that came with
the TC-301 said that with the F-5 and DP-30/EC-B finder/screen (the standard
configuration) to use +1 exposure compensation via Custom setting 18 rather
than use the camera's normal compensation setting.  What difference if any
does it make?  Since I will only be using the TC-301 occasionally it would
be a lot easier to just dial in +1 compensation when needed.

Actually after looking at the first roll of ISO 400 prints I see nothing
wrong with the exposure with no compensation.  In my rush to try the lens I
didn't bother to read the instructions very well.  I'm tempted to just use
it with no compensation to gain the extra shutter speed I want with the
effective 600mm lens.


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