>Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 14:23:25 -0600
>From: Anderson Neal F DLPC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: F4 aperture noise [v04.n305/7]
>Message: 7
>The F4S I recently bought makes a high-pitched noise when I press the DOF
>preview button and when it stops down the aperture prior to an exposure,
>even without a lens mounted. It sounds like something is rubbing against a
>tightly wound coil spring or fine pitch threads on a screw. It works fine,
>but I'm concerned that the noise is not normal; I don't have another F4 to
>compare it to. I don't recall ever hearing an F, F2, or F3 make this sound.
>Is it normal for an F4? Advice is appreciated.
>Neal     [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Florida, USA


In my experience it is.


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