Hi -

Thanks to all the members of the list who took the time to reply to my
request for advice about the F60 Vs the F70.
I forwarded all the message to my colleague, who went out last Saturday
to have a look for himself at all the contenders (Canon EOS 500, Pentax
Nikon F60 and F70).

A large packet arrived at work today. There is now a new member of the
Nikon fan club. He eventually decided on an F60 and a 35-80mm lens. A
decision I was slightly sceptical of, but I have to admit, that for the
type of photography he wants to do, this appears to fit the bill

Thanks again for your help,


Martin de la Nougerede                      Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mullard Space Science Laboratory            Phone: 44 (0) 1483 274111
University College London                   Fax:   44 (0) 1483 278312
Holmbury St Mary
Dorking, Surrey, RH5 6NT, UK

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