Nikoneers, as I guess a recent poll indicated most of you like to be called,

I've been a subscriber for several years. In that time, I've met a lot of
fine, knowledgeable people on the ND. It's been a pleasure reading and

The time has come when the ND is no longer serving my needs. 99 percent of
the discussion is related to automated equipment, of which I have none, and
in which I have no interest. I do enjoy the general photography questions,
both the reading and the answering, but according to Andrew, these are
discouraged postings.

I'll read the next few issues, and I'll be happy to answer any general
photo questions that any of you have or are willing to forward to me from
posters to the ND for as long as anyone wants to forward them.

Again, it's been fun.

Thanks, Andrew, for all your hard work. The Digest wouldn't be possible
without your dilligence.

The next post will be my last.

Best regards,

Photo Web pages: 

UNIX: It's not just 'User-Unfriendly', it's 'Proactively User-Hostile'! 

Nothing generates so much silence as confronting a person with an 
undeniable truth which is contrary to that person's beliefs. 

Manual cameras, Luna-Pro's and stick shifts.

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