On Wed, 17 Mar 1999 13:53:14 +0530 Amarendra N Kolipakam wrote:

> 1.  The AE lock makes sense in the P/A/S modes, but in M mode, I'm in
> full control of the exposure, so, if I meter on something and
> recompose, and do not change the shutter speed/aperture, ignoring the
> meter display, it is same as using an AE lock.  Right?


> 2.  Sometimes, when I have focused on a subject and am in the process
> of setting the exposure, and composing, if I lift my finger off the
> shutter release, the AF lens (35-80 4-5.6D) hunts a bit and focuses
> again.  If I find this distracting, I sometimes throw the AF/MF switch
> to MF after focusing using AF, and try not to refocus.  Kind of like a
> hands free AF lock.  Is this OK?


> For some zooms can using zoom after
> this procedure impact the focus achieved?

Yes, if they're varifocal.

> 3.  Does anyone use the partial-lens-dismount technique for DOF with
> ease?  I'm afraid to drop the lens/damage the CPU contacts and or lens
> mount, so haven't tried this yet.  Any trick to use this safely with
> AFD lenses?

Yes -- don't turn the lens too much ;-)

> 4. Does Nikon Service put backlighting into the N70?


> 5.  There are one or two small specs in my view finder.  I tried
> cleaning the mirror and the focusing screen very gently with lens
> tissue/blow brush and still the specs remain.  (Yeah!  I'm sure they
> are not on the eyepiece or the lens!!) Is there any other place where
> the spec might be, or should I take it to Nikon Service?  BTW is it OK
> to clean the mirror/screen this way?

No, the specs are unlikely to be anywhere else.

No, it's not okay to clean the mirror like this.  When I got my
F70 back from Nikon repair recently there were two tiny scratches
on the mirror.  Thinking that they were dust, I tried removing
them with a blower.  No joy.  Next, I rubbed the mirror with a
micro-fibre cleaning cloth but it just left grease marks.  To
get rid of these, I rubbed the mirror with a new cleaning 'cloth'
(feels like micro-fine paper).  I succeeded in removing the grease
but I was left with a brand new scratch that's much larger than
the two put there by the Nikon repair shop.


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