I just got my N90s a few days ago, and was reading through the manual as
well as other literature about the camera, and see a "Photo Secretary"
program designed for the camera.  What exactly does this program allow
someone to do, and is it worth it's price?

Also I see mentions in the manual of altering custom functions with a
"data link system" (AC-2E) Is this the "photo secretary" setup, just under
a different name, or are they two seperate things?  If they are two
seperate things, does the "Photo Secretary" software allow me to change
these same custom functions?  If not what all do I need to purchase to
change things with the AC-2E?

Thank you for you time paitence and answers, and please bare with me, as I
am a recent convert from not only manual focus, but manual focus of
another brand all-together.


"If you're taking your girl-friend out tonight,
You better park the car well out of sight,
Cause if the catch you in the back seat trying to pick her locks,
They're gonna' send you back to mother in a cardboard box...
You better run.... You better run like hell."

                                        -- Pink Floyd

Adam M. Dietrich       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Jersey, (USA)

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