On Thu, 18 Mar 1999 11:31:09 +0100 Tube wrote:

> So help me out here fellas please, I have some questions

Can't answer most of your questions, but here goes anyway.

> (incidentally are we all fellas or are there any women on this list?

One woman posts regularly -- hi Kay!

> The 801s has spot metering, the 801 doesn't, is that correct?


> 601 has spot metering doesn't it?

99% certain it does.

> Wasn't there another 601 model which
> didn't have AF

Yes, the 601m.

> And another question - On the models that have built in flash (only
> the F601 and the F70 that I might be interested in) do they also have
> a hotshoe to plug in my own Vivitar 283 flashgun or a Speedlite or
> something (which must surely be more powerful than the built in flash).


> If so, where is the hotshoe? Is it still on top of the prism but behind
> the flip up cowling for the Built-in flash?


> Which Nikons I mention above use the facilities of the D (distance?)
> metering lens? Only the F90x?

The F70, F90 and F90x.


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