>I have a question concerning the AE-Lock feature on my F70. The manual
>says in page number 74 that if you want to use the AE-L button, you
>should select spot or center weighted metering. Does anyone understand
>why? If I lock exposure on a gray-like surface, then matrix metering
>should deliver the same exposure value as center weighted or spot!

Generally AE lock used is to limit the meter reading to a particular part
of a scene.  However, if you use an 18% gray card, then spot, center, and
matrix should give the same value. I think their comment is directed at
folks like me who "aim" the camera at, for example, some green grassy area
that I pre-visualise as appearing 18% gray in the final image.  The matrix
metering wouldn't have as limited a view as center weight or spot.

As mentioned earlier on the Velvia thread, the common consensus seems to be
Velvia very saturated = ISO 50 and less saturated (but still very saturated
compared to other types of film) is ISO 40.

Good luck to you.

Douglas Miller

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