Nikon has done a fine job overall but the lack of matrix metering on the F5 with AIS 
lenses is VERY frustrating.  This is NOT an issue of "is it possible" since the F4 
does a fantastic job of matrix metering with AIS lenses (and I still use the F4 also)  
The decision was made not to include this ability on the F5 and since the metering 
system is one of the F5's outstanding features this is a true loss.  I love the F5; it 
has improved the quality of my work and that is what is important.  If it only offered 
the advanced meter modes with simple lenses and had a REAL "E" focus screen available 
(no excuse not to have one that maintains metering modes after over 2 years in 
production)  It would be an even better tool.   A programmable feature to use a 
control wheel to do exposure compensation without first pressing other buttons 
completes my F5 wish list.  

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