>  What I don't get, won't the color meter
        > go crazy when you mount a medium yellow, 
        >  or an amber, or a red, or a warming filter?  

        Yes it will.  The F5's manual says that the 
        colored filters used for black and white can 
        cause the RGB meter to give incorrect results.
        It recommends using center-weighted or spot 
        metering with colored filters and black and 
        white film.

        Using a colored filter with color film isn't
        any different than photographing a scene of
        a different color.  You probably want to fool 
        the meter in that case.  

        >  I say this as an F5 user who has yet to see 
        >  a difference based on color metering.  Does 
        >  anyone have a suggestion for a test that might
        >  show the value of color metering (or even to 
        >  demonstrate that it actually exists?)

        All of this discussion about whether a meter can 
        provide correct exposure assumes that for a given 
        scene, there EXISTS one correct exposure.   

        It just ain't so.  

        All meters try to get as much of the scene's 
        brightness range inside of the films range as
        possible.  A 'smart' meter (like the F5's) can 
        even try to guess whether it should chop of the
        bottom or top of the scene's brightness range when 
        everything won't fit (which is often).  That's 
        nice when it guesses right -- but it's still 
        only guessing.

        Only the photographer knows what part of the image
        he REALLY cares about, and where it should go in
        the film's density range.  

        You and I could both be standing on the same beach
        at sunset photographing the same person -- you want 
        to expose for the background and have the person 
        recorded as a silhouette, I want to expose for the 
        person's face, and let the background burn out.  
        What kind of meter's going to know that?

        Use the spot when exposure matters (and you have time).
        If you don't have time, and you think that RGB might
        guess wrong, bracket.  The more things change, the more 
        they stay the same, huh?  

        You don't really want your camera to be smarter than 
        you anyway, do you?  


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