In a recent digest, Robert Ribnitz wrote: "What can the F100 do that 
     the F90x cannot, what can it not do that the F5 can?"
     I have a F90x and have read about the specs of the new F100.  From 
     what I hear of the specs, the F100 seems to be very like the F90x in 
     specifications, which leads me to wonder if Nikon are going to stop 
     production of 90x after the 100 establlishes itself.  The only 
     differences between the two seem to be that the 100 is tougher, it has 
     a better focusing system (although the 90x is pretty good in this dept 
     too), and that it has a better vertical grip.  However, I do not think 
     that it can do anything that the F90x can not do.
     I had an F5 for a few months (sold it due to shortage of money) and in 
     my opinion this is the best 35mm SLR ever.  One thing that immediately 
     springs to my mind that it can do which the 90x or the 100 cannot do 
     is that you can shoot on it with a waist level finder or an action 
     finder, etc, because it has interchangeable finders (very important in 
     my opinion).  Another exclusive feature is that its focus can lock on 
     to a moving object and not lose focus even if something comes in 
     between the object and the camera (I believe no other camera can do 
     this).  And it can be used as a hammer or a weapon when needed because 
     it is so tough.  The F5 simply has no competition.

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