Hi there, I've collated a lenghty document from all the websites you guys
quoted on the digest - thanks a lot! There's some info I'm still missing,
and I'd be glad if someone could help me:

- Does anyone beside me miss MRC? Can it *at least* leave the film leader
out as a CF? 
- Does the tripod thread protrude from the bottom plate? 
- How many films can it store with EVcomp info? 
- Can it display the matrix metering correction factor (like the F90x)? 
- Does the databack print info in-between frames. 
- Does the Program mode finally distinguish between more than two focal
length settings, i.e. will exposure times with a 24-120 match the FL?
- Could someone please quote all the CFs (I've seen only excerpts, and
since I'm missing some things I'd like to know for sure)
- Do any of the F90x accessories fit (cable releases, MC31 data cable,
MB10) or do I have to get everything apart from lenses and SB 26 new?
- Can I change to manual mode and spot meter and back to A and matrix
without taking the eye from the finder (quick recall or good knob layout)?
Is that possible with an F5?

Thanks for taking the trouble,

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