I am really appreciative of this post on the TC-16A, and i was
wondering if anyone had a lens/TC-16A compatibility list anywhere posted 
on the web?  I have an N90s and FE2, and am possibly 
interested in using this TC with a 300 f/4AF (not purchased yet).  Any 
comments about this combo?  I know the 300 f/4 with TC-14B is supposed 
to be excellent.. 
Of course, I am really just waiting for the 300 f/4 AF-S, to use
with the TC-14E converter.  Of course, as soon as i 
break down and buy the AF version, the AF-S will come out!
Any info would be appreciated.. thanks, christopher

Subject: TC-16A autofocus teleconverter [v04.n149/5]
Message: 5

I just looked at a set of test slides that I shot with my recently 
TC-16A and was amazed at the results.  At 1/3 the cost of a used TC-14B, 
expected to see some clear degradation in image quality.  Instead, using
real world outdoor subjects (with a tripod), there was practically no
difference in sharpness, contrast, or color with and without the
teleconverter -- even wide open!

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