Dear Tony

I can't directly answer your question, but I can offer a little insight (I
hope).  As far as I know the autofocus assist LED on Nikon flashes emits
infrared light (invisible to us) which is what the camera uses for
focussing and some red light so that the user can see what it is that the
camera is focussing on. My source here is the Hove book on the F801 (and
SB-24).      What follows from this is that the intensity of the visible
(red) part of the beam may not give a good indication of the intensity of
the infrared part, because it is quite possible that different LEDs are
designed to emit different proportions of light in these two wavelengths.
This doesn't help solve you problem though!  I assume that you've tried new
batteries and checked to see that the AF LED window on the flash is clean.
You could try borrowing another flash to see if the problem lies there or
in some aspect of the camera or lens setup.

>>From: "A & R Balm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: SB28 auto focus beam [v04.n150/5]
>>I've just purchased a SB28 after my trusty SB24 died and could not be
>>repaired due to Nikon not carrying spare parts any more for the SB24.
>>I,m using the flash with a F4s not that it should make any difference, but
>>the AF beam is so dull that it takes ages to get the AF to lock on.
>>The SB24 AF beam was bright and the AF locked on quickly.
>>My question is has anyone noticed how dull the AF beam is in comparison to
>>the SB24 or have I got a dud AF beam LED / Flash or is this normal for the
>>Tony Balm.

Dr Tom Matheson
Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge,
    Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EJ, England
Phone:   +44 (0)1223 336637
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