> Date: Mon, 07 Dec 98 10:57:13 +0530
> From: "Rajendra Rai"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: F90x vs F100 vs F5 [v04.n151/3]
>      I have a F90x and have read about the specs of the new F100.  
>      The only 
>      differences between the two seem to be that the 100 is tougher, it has 
>      a better focusing system (although the 90x is pretty good in this dept 
>      too), and that it has a better vertical grip.  However, I do not think 
>      that it can do anything that the F90x can not do.
        There is plenty the F100 can do that the F90x CANNOT do without
        the MF26.  Things like auto exposure and flash bracketing (and the
        ability to configure the number, order, and steps of the brackets);
        multiple exposures; silent film advance and rewind modes; and 
        someone posted recently that CF#22 *may* allow the use of the
        aperture ring w/ AF lenses to continue to display the f-num.
        in the viewfinder (which the F5 doesn't).

        In addition, the F100 has an analog display in the viewfinder for
        manual exposure settings with +/- *two* stops.

        Now, add the MF26, and things get evened-up a bit in terms of some
        features; even gives the F90x an intervalometer which the F100
        doesn't currently have available.
>      I had an F5 for a few months [...]
>      Another exclusive feature is that its focus can lock on 
>      to a moving object and not lose focus even if something comes in 
>      between the object and the camera (I believe no other camera can do 
>      this).  

        The F100 can do this, since it has the same AF module, and even
        improved software over the F5. (I think they call this Focus tracking
        with "Lock-On" .... doesn't the F90x also have this?)

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