I too would like to see the list remain a mailing list.  Some people have to
pay for internet service, or do not have the option of unlimited time likst
most here in the US, and Email is great to downloadn and read later.  For
me, its also a matter of phone lines.  I only have one, so while I'm on the
web, the line is busy.  I would rather use a newsgroup than a web based
list.  I would even prefer a non-digest so I can sort by sugject and ignore
all the posts about the F5's RGB meter and the like that does not apply to
me...  It is just more convienent that way.    There's my vote.  Now if it
comes down to No list or a web list, then there is no choice, I may not like
the choice, but I guess thats my problem...

RStephen Winter

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