
>I tried Nikon URL but unable to find detail information on SB-26 
>and SB-28.
>I am thinking of getting one more flash unit but can't make 
>decision between these two yet.
>One nice thing about SB-26, I heard, is built in slave function 
>which SB-28 doesn't have.
>Could anyone give me an advise which one to choose?

Get the 26.  I have a used one and dealers offer to swap me straight across
for the 28, new.  They know something.


>If anyone is interested they can email Randy Zack at 
>for pricing info.  He sells denim shirts, polo shirts, t-shirts, base
>ball hats, and sweat shirts. The clothing I received has Nikon
>Professional Photographer on them but he will also put the Nikon F5
>logo.  BTW, he also told me that he will have a light weight jacket soon
>which I will have to order for my wife.

I bought a denimshirt from him on Ebay.  It is worth every penny!


>on actually, does anybody know why there is such a big price
>difference between the Sigma 14 f2.8 and Tamron 14 f2.8? According to
>Chasseur d'Image the sigma is very good, would the Tamron be 1.5 times

1.5x the price does not mean 1.5x the quality, it usually means 1.01 times
the quality.  By the time prices really start rising you end up with only a
little bit better, but for folks who insist on the best, it is worth it.  I
would get the cheaper one because this is not a lens I would use often
enough to justify the expense.


>DX coding can also be used to determine if the film is slide or print.  I've
>heard that DX coding is also used by labs to determine what channel should be
>used, so it seems probable that even more information may be conveyed by DX

The silver dots on the cartridge tell what speed the film is and how many
exposures there are.  The bar code tells the film type.

Robert in Redlands

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