If you really want to assess lens performance you should be looking a
first-generation images - ie the negative itself (or a slide if you want it
to look normal).  The quality of the prints may well be limited by the
machine used to make them.

I don't think comparing 4x6 prints is a good way to judge lens performance
- unless that's the only way you ever plan to use the photographs.  Which
is possible - most photographs never get printed larger than that anyhow.
I guess for those applications a zoom is, indeed, good enough.

I got 4x6 prints and examined them under a Peak 10x Loupe.  This
is an effective 42x enlargement of the negative.  To my amazement,
I could detect no real difference in sharpness between the primes
and the zoom.  The 50mm prime seemed a tiny bit sharper than the
zoom set to 50mm and the zoom set to 35mm seemed a tiny bit sharper
than the 35mm prime!  Note that the zoom had a slight disadvantage,
as its max aperture is f/4.0 and so was harder to focus than the
Anybody care to comment.

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