On Mon, 14 Dec 1998 12:02:57 -0500 Dave Faulkner wrote:

> I have a roll of Elite 200 that was in another camera. I needed that camera
> for a shoot with print film. I had taken 8 shots on the slide roll.
> Now I loaded it into my 6006 and want to shoot 8 or 9 shots with the lens
> cap on.
> How do you fool the camera into shooting those blank exposures? I've tried
> all the settings including manual and it refuses to shoot. Do I have to
> take it to Nikon obedience school?

Dunno about the 6006 but I did this last week with an N2020:
(a) Load the film in the usual way.
(b) Depress the shutter button to wind on to the 1st frame.
(c) Put on lens cap and viewfinder eyepiece cap.
(d) Set exposure mode to Manual.
(e) Set aperture to minimum for your lens (perhaps f/22).
(f) Set shutter speed to maximum for your camera (perhaps 1/2000).
(g) Place camera under blanket to hide it from ambient light.
(h) Fire the shutter as many times as you need (perhaps nine times).

If this doesn't work, perhaps the film hasn't been loaded
correctly, or some other such problem.


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