hi g. meister (haha)

Ah (amperes per hour) means the charge (ladung in german) of an akku it
has nothing to do with its maximum output current which ist messured in A
(ampere). 1Ah = 1000mAh (milliAh) means the akku can output a current of
1A for one hour or 0.5A for 2 hours .. and so on. if it also can output
3600A for 1 s depents on its inner resistant (innenwiderstand in
german) which has to be cell voltage per max.current (1.2/3600=0.333
mohm(milli ohm) of course the inner resistent of an normal akku is much
higher!) and even if your akku can output a very high current (normal nicd
akkus can output up to 30A which is much more then a akaline battery can)
this ist no danger for a consumer which does not need such a high current
(for example: it is no problem to use a radio (lets say at a current of
0.5A) with a car battery 12V/66Ah which also can give 300A to the
starter). the consumer will take the current it needs!
the only danger is to short circut a akku with a low inner resistant
becouse then the maximum current will occur! 

_BUT_ the voltage could become a problem .. becouse normal akaline
batteries have a cell voltage of 1.5V and nimh have only 1.2V (i hope this
value is right) so if your F5 use 8 aa cells (i hope this is right) this
is 12V with akaline cells but only 9.6V with nimh or nicd cells so you
will have to use 10 nimh cells zu reach 12V

hope it helps 

p.s.: btw normal cells (same size) have a higher maximum current if their
charge is less. a camara (even a f5) does not need a high current so you
can use the cells with the highest charge you can get.

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