I also agree with @jzakiya. I personally have only experience with the windows 
env (I have to use it on daily base (job)) - I used linux since 1994 for about 
10 years but finally I throwed it away cause of the awful desktop. Today I cant 
speak about it because of lacking experience; I never tried it again.

The nim installer on windows works very well and out of the box (no extra 
settings needed). If you like to use your own gcc I recommend the tdm-gcc 
(works also out of the box but you have to set your cli-path). Also It works 
without tweaks with the cl.exe (VS2017 community edition for instance) I never 
got nim running with the gcc of the mingw-installation-manager (the gcc 
compiler check from nim always failed). I think the docs are very good but 
sometimes outdated (for instance the examples) but for me its normal. I 
searched also a while for the nimscript feature of the compiler (the compiler 
help says nothing about that) and within the nimscript-docpage its a litte bit 

The overall feeling for me is that Nim is a very very nice designed and 
architected piece of software (design by committee is awful) and not burdened 
with any tweaks. the nimcode itself is fun to read (especially from others and 
thats not normal for any computer language). And also the new book is very good 
and worth reading. The idea of the integrated build-system is a big plus (I 
hate ant, maven and so on especially when the buildscript is more complex than 
the software itself which needs to be build) 

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