I tried the run your code but the compiler doesn't see the euler libraries.
    eulerprimes.nim(24, 6) Error: cannot open 'lib_euler_math'

How do I get all the libraries to get it to run?

I'd be interested in benchmark times. Can you post your hardware specs and the 
times for counting the primes <= N, for for N = 10^9, 10^10, and 10^11?

I don't know if you've seen my sequential SSoZ code, but I'd be interested in 
how they compare. I'm still learning Nim, and don't know the correct way to 
implement a parallel version yet, which if done correctly will be much faster. 
Studying your code I've already learned some Nim stuff I didn't know.

Here again are the gists to some reference versions of the sequential SSoZ 
using the P5 prime generator.


Find the primes <= N, using sequential Segmented Sieve of Zakiya (SSoZ) with P5 
prime generator, written in Nim



Find Twin Primes <= N, using sequential Segmented Sieve of Zakiya (SSoZ) with 
P5 prime generator, written in Nim



Find Nth Primes, using sequential Segmented Sieve of Zakiya (SSoZ) with P5 
prime generator, written in Nim


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